Creating a web application in Flask is actually a lot more simple than people make it out to be. To give you the gist of it, you have a folder called "templates", this is where you will house all of your HTML files. Then you have a single python file, "". All that python file is doing is taking you from 1 page to the other using routes. Now what do you mean by routes? Well routes are like the path to the HTML file you just created in your "templates" folder. Now, with that out of the way, let's get into creating your first Flask web application.
Creating Files
Before we can start coding, we first need to set up our files and folders. First go ahead and create a folder with the name of your project.
mkdir myProject
Then create a file called "" in your project folder like this:
cd myProject
Almost done. Now create a folder called "templates" and go into it. After that create a file called "index.html" like this
mkdir templates
cd templates
touch index.html
Starting To Code
Now that we have all of our files created, we can begin developing our application. Go ahead and open this project up in your favorite code editor (If you are looking for ways to set up your code editor check out my last post!!).
I want you to open your HTML file from the templates folder and just add some boiler plate code in there with a title and p1 tags like this:
<!doctype html>
<title>Flask App Tutorial</title>
<p1>Hello, World</p1>
Now open your file and lets first add a import statement like this: This allows you to use Flask and some of the other important libraries we need to create a web application.
from flask import Flask, requests, render_template
Once we have imported these libraries, we now need to create a variable called "app" which we will call at the end of the program to run our app on the server. It looks like this:
app = Flask('app')
The next step is to now add a route so that we can access all the different templates or html files we created in the templates folder. routes are created by first adding a "@" symbol. Then a function and in that function we return a render_template with that html file.
def first_route:
return render_template("index.html")
Finally, we need to call the "app" variable we created earlier and add a run function to it and specify the host and port number and that looks like this:"", port=8080)
Now go ahead into your terminal and run python3 and enjoy your new flask web application!!
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Instagram: @rohankewal